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Wild Magic

Wild magic is not a common part of spellcasting. Usually, only Wild Mage sorcerers can tap into wild magic, but some magic items, areas of wild magic, or magical effects can cause wild surges.


A wild surge is when you cast a spell and a second, unexpected effect happens, usually tied to the power of your spell. Wild surges can happen at random to Wild Mage sorcerers, but they can also happen for other reasons. When you cast a spell and trigger a wild surge, you roll on a wild surge table to determine the effect of the surge.


Wild Surge Tables

When you trigger a Wild Surge for any reason, you roll on the Wild Surge Table appropriate to the spell’s level. Most of the time, your spell works as normal and you then you trigger a random secondary effect.

  • If the wild surge has an effect that requires a saving throw, the DC is your spell save DC.

  • You cannot wild surge more than once per turn.

  • ​Cantrips don't trigger wild surges. There are 10 wild surge tables. The first 9 correspond to spells of 1st through 9th level. The 10th level surge table is very dangerous and best avoided. If you somehow get a surge above 10th level, roll on the 10th level table.

  • If for any reason your spell is affected by more than one effect that causes a Wild Surge, then your Surge’s level increases by one level for each triggering effect. For example, if you use Voluntary Surge as a Wild Mage sorcerer and cast a 1st level magic missile in a wild magic zone where all spells are wild surges, you roll on the 2nd Level Surge Table instead of the 1st Level Surge Table. If you also trigger a random surge via the Wild Mage's Wild Surge feature, you would then roll on the 3rd level table.



For each table, roll 1d20 to determine the result. More coming soon!


1st Level Surges

2nd Level Surges

3rd Level Surges

4th Level Surges

5th Level Surges

6th Level Surges

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