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The 5e Ranger Class

Wanderers, regional wardens, or monster hunters. Rangers easily circumvent obstacles and have magical powers they draw from nature or powerful honed instincts.


​The following is a revision of the 5e ranger class, meant to address their lack of damage scaling and improve or replace abilities that were too weak or too situational. Existing 5e subclasses will all work mechanically with this form of the ranger class. Click here for a summary of changes.



Progression Table

Ability Scores

Hit Points




Class Features by Level*

1: Fighting Style

1: Natural Tracker

2: Mark for Death

2: Plan the Hunt

2: Ranger Spellcasting

3: Primeval Awareness

3: Ranger Conclave

4: Ability Score Improvement

4: Feat

5: Extra Attack

6: Ranger Conclave Feature

7: Expertise

7: Ranger's Mobility

10: Iron Resilience

11: Ranger Conclave Feature

14: Ranger Conclave Feature

18: Blindsight

19: Superior Ability

20: Unrelenting Focus


*For abilities that appear at multiple levels, only the first case is listed. eg. Ability Score Improvement is only listed at level 4.

Spell Slots

Level 1 Rangers

When you create a level 1 ranger, follow these steps to add the following to your character:


Ability Scores

You can take one of these recommended ability score arrays, or you can roll or assign them yourself. You can switch any two ability scores, but you do not add any further bonuses (they're already included).


Strength: 10   Dexterity:16   Constitution: 14   Intelligence: 10   Wisdom: 16   Charisma: 8 


Strength: 16   Dexterity:14   Constitution: 14   Intelligence: 9  Wisdom: 14   Charisma: 8  



You gain a level 1 feat of your choice. You can choose from the feats available to all classes or choose a level 1 class-specific feat, if there is one available.​


Hit Points

At First Level: 10 + Constitution Modifier

At Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution Modifier

Hit Dice: 1d10 per ranger level



Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: two, which can be either Crafting Tools or Exploration Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity

Skills: Survival, and three of: Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth

Languages: one of your choice





Multiclass Characters

Instead of leveling up in your original class, you can take a ranger level when you level up. When you do, you gain only a portion of what first level rangers gain.


Multiclassing Ability Score Requirements

Taking levels in several classes requires exceptional ability. You must meet the multiclassing ability score requirements for both your original class and the class you are multiclassing into.

For rangers you must have:

  • Either Strength: 14 or Dexterity: 14

  • Wisdom: 14


Hit Points

Per Level: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution Modifier

Hit Dice: 1d10 per ranger level



Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: two, which can be either Crafting Tools or Exploration Tools
Skills: Survival, and one of: Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Stealth

Languages: one of your choice


Class Features​

Class features here are sorted by level. When you reach a level as indicated by the icons on the left, you gain all feature or feature improvements listed between the red lines. For example, at first level rangers gain the Fighting Style and Natural Tracker abilities.



Fighting Style

You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take the same Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again. Click here for more information on our changes.



You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged and thrown weapons.



While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.​



Reaction - 1 Ally (5 ft.)

When a creature hits one of your allies with an attack and that ally is within 5 ft. of you, you can force the attacker to reroll the attack, targeting you instead. You must be holding a shield or melee weapon to use this ability.


Single Weapon Fighting

When you are wielding a single one or two-handed melee weapon and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.​


Two-Weapon Fighting

When you make an attack with an off-hand weapon, you do not suffer disadvantage on the attack roll. As normal, your off-hand weapon must be Light.


Natural Tracker

You've become very good at navigating your environment and tracking other creatures.

  • Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain (like a crowd, thick foliage, or waist deep water) costs you no extra movement.

If your table uses overland travel rules or survival rules, you gain the following benefits as well.

  • Difficult terrain doesn't slow your group's overland travel with you to lead them.

  • Even when you are engaged in another activity (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking), you remain alert to danger.




Mark for Death

Bonus Action - Self - 1 Minute - 2/Long Rest*

You enter a state of heightened focus during combat where you focus on one target.

While using this ability, you can mark a creature you can see when you take the Attack action. You deal an extra 1d4* damage with your weapons when you hit a marked target with a weapon attack. This damage is of the same type as your weapon. You can shift your mark to a new target every time you take the Attack action. You can only have one marked target at a time. If you kill your marked target (or knock them unconscious), you won't be able to deal this extra damage until your next turn.

This ability ends early if you become incapacitated.


*Your Mark for Death die changes from a d4 to larger dice and you get more uses of this ability when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Ranger Progression Table.


This ability is meant to replace the hunter's mark spell. You cannot benefit from the hunter's mark spell while using this ability.


Plan the Hunt

You focus on thoughts of your enemies, trying to clear your head for when you finally catch up with your foes.

During a Short Rest - Self - 1/Long Rest

You regain half of your uses of Mark for Death.


Ranger Spellcasting

You gain the ability to cast spells that call on the powers of nature or natural instinct.​​​ You use wisdom as your spellcasting ability for ranger spells, since your magic draws upon your attunement to nature and heightened senses.


Rangers are prepared spellcasters. The Ranger Progression Table shows how many spell slots you have, as well as how many spells you have prepared. You can search the list of ranger spells here or see full spell descriptions here.​​​​​


Druidic Focuses

You can use a druidic focus or component pouch as a spellcasting focus. To do so, you need a free hand to hold your focus or access your components.




Primeval Awareness

Bonus Action - Self - 1st Level (Divination) - 1 Hour

You focus your awareness on the region around you. You choose a single creature you know, a single creature you are tracking, or choose to look for the closest of a type of creature (such as human or red dragon). If the creature is within 250 ft. per level of the spell slot you expended, you immediately become aware of the fastest path to find the creature. You also know which way the creature is moving, if applicable.

Even if the creature is too far to learn its exact position, or the creature is protected from divination, you gain advantage on all survival and perception checks to locate the creature for 1 hour.


This ability can take many forms. You could track your target by scent like a dog, follow tracks too subtle for others to notice, or enter a trance where spirits guide you along a path. 

Primeval Awareness is a spell, and like with other spells, you are limited to expending one spell slot per turn.​​


Ranger Conclave

You choose a ranger conclave, which represents the specialized training and skills you develop that make you different from other rangers. Your conclave gives you new abilities at this level and at levels 3, 6, 11, and 14, also listed below. 


A revised Hunter Conclave is available on this website, but ranger conclaves published elsewhere are compatible with this version of the ranger class.


​The following is a revision of the 5e Hunter Conclave for rangers, meant to boost the conclave's power and make abilities more coherent and versatile. You can use this subclass with any version of the base ranger class, but it was created with our version in mind. We wanted all abilities to be viable choices, and we wanted a stronger identity for the abilities.


Hunter: Hunter's Prey

You select one of the following options, which represents the approach you take in hunting your enemies.


Scent of Blood

You focus on killing your prey when they are wounded.

Once Per Turn - 1 Creature

You deal an extra 1d8 damage of your weapon's type if the target has less than all of its hit points.



Reaction - 1 Creature (5 ft.)

You focus on watching your prey in melee combat and waiting for an opening to strike. When a creature misses you with an attack, you can use your reaction to make a single melee weapon attack against them.


Horde Breaker

No Action Cost - 1 Creature

You focus on preying on groups huddled close together. Once on each of your turns, if you make an attack against a creature, you can make an additional attack against a different creature that is within 5 ft. of the original target and within range of your weapon.​​



Beastmasters enter combat with a steadfast animal companion at their side. This companion is partially tied to their life force and obeys their every command. This animal companion might be an animal they already met, it might be one who follows their call out from the wilderness, and it might be a magical nature spirit or even a part of their soul that has formed into an animal.


Beastmaster Extra Prepared Spells

When you reach certain levels as a ranger, you gain the ability to cast higher level spells. When you do, you learn these additional spells. They do not count against the number of ranger spells have prepared. 


Beastmaster: Animal Companion

You become magically bonded to an animal companion. 
Choose a beast with a CR of ¼ or lower. This beast will level up when you level up, and will be your companion until you die or until you decide to change to a new beast during a level up. If you change to a new companion, your old companion reverts to its original statistics.

  • The chosen companion loses its multiattack feature if it has one, as well as any other feature that could give it more damage than 1d8 + its ability modifier on a given turn. 

  • The companion's attack now deals 1d8 + its strength or dexterity modifier damage (whichever is higher), or 1d6 + its strength or dexterity modifier if the creature can fly. 

  • Your companion’s armor class is equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus if it isn’t already higher.

  • Your companion’s proficiency bonus is equal to yours.

  • Your companion gains proficiency in wisdom saving throws.

  • If not already higher, your companion’s hit points equal 5 + your companion’s constitution modifier, multiplied by your level, or 4 + your companion's constitution modifier if it can fly.

  • Your companion understands all languages you do.

  • When you and your companion take a short rest together and you expend hit dice to regain hit points, your companion regains the same number of hit points.

Your companion acts on its own initiative in combat, but you control it. Your companion dies if it reaches 0 hit points.
When gain a level in the ranger class, your companion gains hit points, and when your proficiency bonus increases, so does your companion’s.


Beastmaster: Raise Companion

You learn this 1st level spell, which doesn't count against the number of ranger spells you know. You can use this spell without expending a spell slot at the end of a short rest.

1 Minute - 1st Level (Necromancy) - VS

  • You revive your companion if it was dead.

  • Your companion regains all hit points and teleports to you.


Other Conclave: Level 3 Feature

Choose this option if you'd like to use a Ranger Conclave that comes from a source that isn't Elkan 5e. Your chosen conclave grants you one or more features at this level.




Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, and 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.​



At this level and every level you gain an ability score improvement, you also gain a feat of your choice.




Mark for Death Improvement

Your Mark for Death damage increases to 1d6, and you can now use Mark for Death three times between long rests.



Extra Attack

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


Ranger Conclave

Your chosen Ranger Conclave grants you a new feature.


Hunter: Evasion

When you are subjected to an effect, such as a red dragon’s fiery breath or a lightning bolt spell, that allows you to make a dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. This ability does not function if you are incapacitated.


Beastmaster: Companion Ability Score Improvement

You can increase one of your companion’s ability scores of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Unlike with player characters, you do not gain a feat.


Beastmaster: One Mind

You and your companion’s minds partially merge. You can see through each other’s eyes and communicate with each other telepathically when you are within 1000 ft. of each other. Additionally, when you use Mark for Death, your companion gains the benefits as well, dealing the same amount of bonus damage on its attacks against the target you marked.​​


Other Conclave: Level 6 Feature

Your chosen Ranger Conclave grants you one or more features at this level. If using a conclave not from Elkan 5e, your conclave's feature is likely listed at level 7.




Choose any two of your skills. You have expertise (you add double your proficiency bonus) with checks made with these skills.



Ranger's Mobility

You have learned to navigate difficult environments more effectively. Your walking speed increases by 10 ft, and you gain a climbing and swimming speed equal to your walking speed.




Ability Score Improvement

You increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, to a maximum of  20.



You gain a feat​ of your choice.




Mark for Death Improvement

Your Mark for Death damage increases to 1d8, and you can now use Mark for Death four times between long rests.



Iron Resilience

You gain proficiency in constitution and wisdom saving throws. If you already have one or both of these saving throw proficiencies, you may choose any other saving throw to become proficient in.




Ranger Conclave

Your chosen Ranger Conclave grants you a new feature. 




​Hunter: Extra Attack (3 Attacks)

You can attack thrice, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. If you are dual-wielding, your off-hand attack brings you to a total of four attacks.​


Beastmaster: Companion Ability Score Improvement

You can increase one of your companion’s ability scores of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Unlike with player characters, you do not gain a feat.


Beastmaster: Coordinated Attacks

When your animal companion damages a creature in combat, you have advantage on your first attack against the same target on your next turn.​


Other Conclave: Level 11 Feature

Your chosen Ranger Conclave grants you one or more features at this level.




Ability Score Improvement

You increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, to a maximum of  20.



You gain a feat​ of your choice.




Mark for Death Improvement

Your Mark for Death damage increases to 1d10, and you can now use Mark for Death five times between long rests.



Ranger Conclave Feature

Your chosen Ranger Conclave grants you a new feature.




Hunter: Superior Hunter Training

You select one of the following options, which represents whether you focus more on offense or defense.


Improved Hunter's Prey: Choose another option from the 3rd level Hunter's Prey ability.


Uncanny Dodge

Reaction - Self

When you take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the damage you take. This ability cannot be used for effects that damage you that do not require an attack roll, such as abilities that require you to roll a saving throw.


Beastmaster: Bonded Life Force

Reaction - 1000 ft. - Magical

You and your companion’s lives become further intertwined. When one of you is in pain, the other can take on that pain. When either you or your companion take damage, and you are within 1000 ft. of each other, the other can use their reaction to take the damage instead.


Beastmaster: Companion Ability Score Improvement

You can increase one of your companion’s ability scores of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Unlike with player characters, you do not gain a feat.​


Other Conclave: Level 14 Feature

Your chosen Ranger Conclave grants you one or more features at this level. If using a conclave not from Elkan 5e, your conclave's feature is likely listed at level 15.




Choose any two of your skills. You have expertise (add double your proficiency bonus) with checks made with these tools and with your chosen skill.




Ability Score Improvement

You increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, to a maximum of  20.



You gain a feat​ of your choice.




Mark for Death Improvement

Your Mark for Death damage increases to 1d12, and you can now use Mark for Death six times between long rests.





You remain aware of creatures and objects near you even when you can't see them. You have blindsight with a radius of 30 ft. ​




Superior Ability

You increase one ability score of your choice by 2, to a maximum of 22.




Unrelenting Focus

You master your mind and body as you focus on your prey, pushing yourself beyond normal limits. You have unlimited uses of your Mark for Death ability. Additionally, you can never have disadvantage on attack rolls against a target affected by your Mark for Death ability.



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