The 5e Fighter Class
Professional warriors, guards, or gladiators. Fighters hone their martial skill above all other classes. They use a variety of weapons and can push their bodies further than others.
The following is a revision of the 5e fighter class. It is meant to rebalance fighting styles and improve the fighter's ability to make saves at mid to high levels. Existing 5e subclasses will all work mechanically with this form of the fighter class. Click here for a summary of changes.
Class Features by Level*
*For abilities that appear at multiple levels, only the first case is listed.
eg. Ability Score Improvement is only listed at level 4.

Level 1 Fighters
When you create a level 1 fighter, follow these steps to add the following to your character:
Ability Scores
You can take one of these recommended ability score arrays, or you can roll or assign them yourself. You can switch any two ability scores, but you do not add any further bonuses (they're already included).
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 12 Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 8 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 11
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 16 Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 12
You gain a level 1 feat of your choice. You can choose from the feats available to all classes or choose a level 1 class-specific feat, if there is one available.​
Hit Points
At First Level: 10 + Constitution Modifier
At Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution Modifier
Hit Dice: 1d10 per fighter level
chain mail -OR- padded armor, longbow, and 20 arrows
a longsword and a large shield -OR- any weapon and a large shield -OR- any two weapons
a light crossbow and 20 bolts -OR- two handaxes
a dungeoneer's pack -OR- an explorer's pack
Multiclass Characters
Instead of leveling up in your original class, you can take a fighter level when you level up. When you do, you gain only a portion of what first level fighters gain.
Multiclassing Ability Score Requirements
Taking levels in several classes requires exceptional ability. You must meet the multiclassing ability score requirements for both your original class and the class you are multiclassing into.
For fighters you must have:
Either Strength: 14 or Dexterity: 14
Hit Points
Per Level: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution Modifier
Hit Dice: 1d10 per fighter level
Class Features​
Class features here are sorted by level. When you reach a level as indicated by the icons on the left, you gain all feature or feature improvements listed between the red lines. For example, at first level fighters gain a Fighting Style and the Second Wind feature.

Fighting Style
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can't take the same Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged and thrown weapons.
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.​
Reaction - 1 Ally (5 ft.)
When a creature hits one of your allies with an attack and that ally is within 5 ft. of you, you can force the attacker to reroll the attack, targeting you instead. You must be holding a shield or melee weapon to use this ability.
Single Weapon Fighting
When you are wielding a single one or two-handed melee weapon and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.​
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you make an attack with an off-hand weapon, you do not suffer disadvantage on the attack roll. As normal, your off-hand weapon must be Light​.
Second Wind
You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm.
Bonus Action - Self - 1/Short Rest
You regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level.

Action Surge
You can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment.
No Action Cost - Self - 1/Short Rest
On your turn, you can take one additional action. As per normal, you cannot expend more than one spell slot on your turn (if you have spellcasting), even using your action surge.
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You charge into battle.
Bonus Action - Self - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You can move up to your movement speed immediately towards a hostile creature.
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You prepare yourself for an oncoming blow.
Reaction - 1 Visible Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
When a creature attacks you, you can use brace to impose disadvantage on their first attack against you.
Deadly Aim
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
At the start of your turns, you can focus on a single creature you can see that is within range of a ranged or thrown weapon you are holding.
Action - Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but you have advantage on your first attack roll with a ranged or thrown against the target.
Distracting Strike
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You leave your opponent open to another creature's attack.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the next attack made by a creature other than you against your target has advantage.
Harrying Blow
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
Your assault prevents your target from moving quickly.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the first time you damage a creature of large size or smaller with a weapon attack, you can choose to halve the creature's speed.
Tide of Iron
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
Your assault presses your target back.
Action - Melee - 1 Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the first time you damage a creature with a melee attack and that creature is no more than one size category larger than you, you can choose to push the creature up to 10 ft. in a direction of your choice.

Martial Archetype
You choose a martial archetype, which represents the specialized training and skills you develop that make you different from other fighters. Your Martial Archetype gives you new abilities at this level and at levels 6, 10, 14, and 18, also listed below.
Martial Archetypes published elsewhere are compatible with this version of the fighter class.
The following is a martial archetype new to Elkan 5e. The Bulwark is a powerful defender who shields their allies with their body, placing themselves in harm's way so that others may live.
Bulwark: Iron Wall
Bonus Action - 1 Ally (5 ft.) - 1 Round
You cover an adjacent ally of medium size or smaller. Until the end of your next turn or until they are no longer within 5 ft. of you, they gain half cover. While they have cover in this way, you may choose to take half of any damage that isn't psychic damage from abilities or attacks that would damage them. You do not transfer conditions or other ongoing effects when you take this damage. Note that if one of you has resistance to the damage, that doesn't mean the other is also resistant.
Bulwark: Protection Fighting Style
You gain the Protection Fighting Style, or another Fighting Style of your choice if you already have it.
The following is a revision of the 5e Champion martial archetype for fighters, meant to boost the archetype's power while keeping it simple. A Champion focuses on pure martial skill, improving the basic skills that every fighter has beyond normal limits.
Champion: Expertise
Choose one skill you are proficient with from the fighter skill list. You have expertise (you add double your proficiency bonus) with checks made with this skill.
Champion: Improved Critical
You now score a critical hit with all attacks on a roll of 19 or 20. When you deal damage with a critical hit, you roll three times the number of dice, rather than two times.​​
The commander is a martial archetype new to Elkan 5e. The commander focuses on rallying their allies in battle, leading by example and improving the combat ability and survivability of the party.
Commander: Commander's Strike
Bonus Action - 1 Ally (120 ft.) - 3/Long Rest
With a gesture and a verbal command, you allow one ally to make a single weapon attack as a reaction against a target of your choice. Your target must be able to hear you.
Commander: Expertise
Choose one skill you are proficient with: either Persuasion, Intimidation, or one of your fighter skills. You have expertise (you add double your proficiency bonus) with checks made with this skill.
The spellsword is a martial archetype new to Elkan 5e. The spellsword bolsters their fighting ability with spellcasting borrowed from another class.
Spellsword: Combat Casting Feat
You gain the Combat Casting feat for free. If you already had it, you can choose another level 1 feat.
Spellsword Spellcasting
You have dabbled in the spellcasting available to more powerful spellcasters. Your own journey to acquire magical ability is slow, but you have integrated spells into your fighting style in a way few spellcasters can. Choose one of the following classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard. Your spellcasting ability is based on the class you choose. Bards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks use charisma. Clerics and Druids use wisdom. Wizards use intelligence.​​
Spellswords are known spellcasters, even if the class they chose for spellcasting isn't. The Spellsword Spellcasting Table (shown below) shows how many spell slots you have, as well as how many cantrips and spells you know. You can search the list of spells by class here or see full spell descriptions here.​​​​​
Spellcasting Focuses
You can use a spellcasting focus, component pouch, or a weapon as a spellcasting focus. To do so, you need a free hand to hold your focus or access your components.​
Spell Slots
Other Archetype: Level 3 Feature
Choose this option if you'd like to use a Martial Archetype that comes from a source that isn't Elkan 5e. Your chosen archetype grants you one or more features at this level.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, and 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
At this level and every level you gain an ability score improvement, you also gain a feat of your choice.

Extra Attack (2 Attacks)
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. If you are dual-wielding, your off-hand attack brings you to a total of three attacks.
Martial Archetype Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you a new feature.

Bulwark: Defender's Charge
When you use your Protection Fighting Style, you can first move up to half your speed to protect someone further than 5 ft. away. You do not take Attacks of Opportunity during this movement.
Commander: Rally
Bonus Action - 1 Ally (120 ft.) - 3/Long Rest
You can say a few words to an ally, inspiring them. The first time this ally rolls an attack roll or saving throw before the end of your next turn, they do so at advantage. They also gain temporary hit points equal to 1d8+ your fighter level. These temporary hit points last until your next short or long rest.​​
Spellsword: Spellstrike
Once Pert Turn - 1 Creature - 5/Long Rest - Magical
When you hit with a weapon attack, you can channel a spell into your weapon, so long as your target is within the normal range of the cantrip. Choose a cantrip you know that targets only one creature other than yourself. You cannot choose a cantrip that already requires you to make an attack with a weapon, or one that requires you to make more than one attack roll.
If the cantrip requires an attack roll, such as with the Ray of Frost spell, the target suffers the damage and effects of the spell and takes damage from your weapon.
If the spell normally requires a saving throw, such as the Vicious Mockery spell, then the target rolls the saving throw against the effect as normal.
Other Archetype: Level 6 Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you one or more features at this level. If using an archetype not from Elkan 5e, your archetype's feature is likely listed at level 7.
Combat Maneuver
You learn one Combat Maneuver, which are otherwise available as Feats. When you gain this feature at this level, you can choose a maneuver normally restricted to 8th level.

Bull Rush
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You use your momentum to try to shove your target.
Bonus Action - Self - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
If you move at least 20 ft. in a straight line towards a creature, you can attempt to shove the creature.
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You cleave through foes that are packed together.
Action - Melee - 1 Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but one of your attacks is replaced by Cleave. Make a melee weapon attack against one target creature and all creatures of your choice within 5 ft. of your target. You are still limited by your weapon's normal reach. You roll a single synchronous attack roll for all targets, dealing the same damage to each.
Cleave counts as an area of effect ability for the purposes of attacking swarms, and if targeting a creature with Mirror Image active, you target all images and the caster.
Dazing Blow
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
Your attack scrambles your target's senses and leaves them slow to react.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but on your first hit on this turn, you can try to daze your target. Your DC for this ability equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your STR or DEX modifier (your choice).
Constitution Save
Failure: Target is dazed.
Success: No effect.
Opportunistic Strike
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You are always able to threaten opponents within your reach.
No Action Cost - Melee - 1 Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You can make an attack of opportunity without expending your reaction. You can do this multiple times a round, even more than once in a turn.
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You quickly raise your defenses against an incoming attack.
Reaction - Melee - Self - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
When a creature hits you with an attack roll, you can add +4 to your armor class against that attack, blocking the attack. Your game master should tell you what your attacker rolled on their attack roll before you decide to use Parry. If your attacker somehow rerolls their attack after you parry it, you keep the +4 bonus against the new roll. You must be holding a melee weapon or shield to use this maneuver.
Powerful Attack
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You strike fast and hard, sacrificing accuracy for power.
Action - Melee/Ranged - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but you subtract your proficiency bonus from each attack roll. If you hit, add twice your proficiency bonus to each damage roll.
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You unleash a group of projectiles which rain down on an area.
Action - Ranged - 10 ft. Radius - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You make a single ranged weapon attack against each creature within a 10 ft. radius of a point within range of your weapon. You can use thrown weapons with Volley, but you need ammunition or separate throwing weapons for each attack.
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You charge into battle.
Bonus Action - Self - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You can move up to your movement speed immediately towards a hostile creature.
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You prepare yourself for an oncoming blow.
Reaction - 1 Visible Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
When a creature attacks you, you can use brace to impose disadvantage on their first attack against you.
Deadly Aim
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
At the start of your turns, you can focus on a single creature you can see that is within range of a ranged or thrown weapon you are holding.
Action - Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but you have advantage on your first attack roll with a ranged or thrown against the target.
Distracting Strike
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You leave your opponent open to another creature's attack.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the next attack made by a creature other than you against your target has advantage.
Harrying Blow
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
Your assault prevents your target from moving quickly.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the first time you damage a creature of large size or smaller with a weapon attack, you can choose to halve the creature's speed.
Tide of Iron
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
Your assault presses your target back.
Action - Melee - 1 Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the first time you damage a creature with a melee attack and that creature is no more than one size category larger than you, you can choose to push the creature up to 10 ft. in a direction of your choice.

Ability Score Improvement
You increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain a feat​ of your choice.

No Action Cost - Self - 1/Long Rest*
When you fail a saving throw you can choose to add 1d10 to your roll, potentially turning your failure into a success. Once this ability has turned a failure into a success, you must wait until you finish a long rest to use it again. If a fighter uses Indomitable and still fails the saving throw, the use of Indomitable is not consumed.
*You can use this feature twice between long rests starting at 13th level and three times between long rests starting at 17th level. This improvement is also listed at those levels.

Martial Archetype Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you a new feature.
Bulwark: Covering Attacks
No Action Cost - 1 Creature - 1 Round
When you attack a creature on your turn, whether you hit or miss, you prevent your target from being able to make attacks of opportunity against any creature but yourself.
Champion: Improved Fighting Style
You choose an Improved Fighting Style, normally reserved for fighters of 12th level or higher, as described on the Feats page.
Commander: Persistent Leader
When you use your Second Wind ability, you regain one use of your Rally feature and one use of your Commander's Strike feature.
Spellsword: Improved Spellstrike
You can use your Spellstrike ability to channel spells of 1st level or higher into your attacks. This counts as casting a spell, and as normal, you are limited to expending one spell slot per turn. If your spell requires concentration, as in Hold Creature or Spirit Guardians, then you begin concentrating on the spell and act as though you had cast the spell normally.
Other Archetype: Level 10 Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you one or more features at this level.

Extra Attack (3 Attacks)
You can attack thrice, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. If you are dual-wielding, your off-hand attack brings you to a total of four attacks.

Ability Score Improvement
You increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain a feat​ of your choice.

Indomitable (2 Uses)
You can now use Indomitable to reroll two failures into successes between every long rest.
Martial Archetype Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you a new feature.

Bulwark: Solidify Defenses
When you use Iron Wall, you and your target gain temporary hit points equal to half your fighter level, rounded down. These temporary hit points expire when Iron Wall ends.
Champion: Superior Critical
You now score a critical hit with all attacks on a roll of 18, 19, or 20. When you deal damage with a critical hit, you roll four times the number of dice, rather than two times.
Commander: Indomitable Squad
You can now use your Indomitable ability to affect your allies.
Reaction - All Allies (60 ft.)
You can use Indomitable Squad whenever you or an ally within 60 ft. of you fails a saving throw. Choose as many allies as you want (including yourself) who failed the saving throw. Roll 1d10 and add the number to the saving throws of all chosen allies. If at least one affected allied creature passes their saving throw, you expend one use of Indomitable.
This could apply to a Disintegrate spell affecting a single ally, or a dragon's breath weapon targeting several of your allies.
Spellsword: Rapid Warding
Bonus Action - Self
If you use an action to cast a spell of 1st level or higher that can only target one creature and you target yourself, you can quicken the spell’s casting to a bonus action, allowing you to enter the fray with your magical boons quickly and still have your action available.​​
Other Archetype: Level 14 Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you one or more features at this level. If using an archetype not from Elkan 5e, your archetype's feature is likely listed at level 15.
Bull Rush
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You use your momentum to try to shove your target.
Bonus Action - Self - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
If you move at least 20 ft. in a straight line towards a creature, you can attempt to shove the creature.
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You cleave through foes that are packed together.
Action - Melee - 1 Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but one of your attacks is replaced by Cleave. Make a melee weapon attack against one target creature and all creatures of your choice within 5 ft. of your target. You are still limited by your weapon's normal reach. You roll a single synchronous attack roll for all targets, dealing the same damage to each.
Cleave counts as an area of effect ability for the purposes of attacking swarms, and if targeting a creature with Mirror Image active, you target all images and the caster.
Dazing Blow
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
Your attack scrambles your target's senses and leaves them slow to react.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but on your first hit on this turn, you can try to daze your target. Your DC for this ability equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your STR or DEX modifier (your choice).
Constitution Save
Failure: Target is dazed.
Success: No effect.
Opportunistic Strike
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You are always able to threaten opponents within your reach.
No Action Cost - Melee - 1 Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You can make an attack of opportunity without expending your reaction. You can do this multiple times a round, even more than once in a turn.
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You quickly raise your defenses against an incoming attack.
Reaction - Melee - Self - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
When a creature hits you with an attack roll, you can add +4 to your armor class against that attack, blocking the attack. Your game master should tell you what your attacker rolled on their attack roll before you decide to use Parry. If your attacker somehow rerolls their attack after you parry it, you keep the +4 bonus against the new roll. You must be holding a melee weapon or shield to use this maneuver.
Powerful Attack
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You strike fast and hard, sacrificing accuracy for power.
Action - Melee/Ranged - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but you subtract your proficiency bonus from each attack roll. If you hit, add twice your proficiency bonus to each damage roll.
Prerequisite: Level 8 and Extra Attack.
You unleash a group of projectiles which rain down on an area.
Action - Ranged - 10 ft. Radius - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You make a single ranged weapon attack against each creature within a 10 ft. radius of a point within range of your weapon. You can use thrown weapons with Volley, but you need ammunition or separate throwing weapons for each attack.
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You charge into battle.
Bonus Action - Self - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You can move up to your movement speed immediately towards a hostile creature.
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You prepare yourself for an oncoming blow.
Reaction - 1 Visible Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
When a creature attacks you, you can use brace to impose disadvantage on their first attack against you.
Deadly Aim
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
At the start of your turns, you can focus on a single creature you can see that is within range of a ranged or thrown weapon you are holding.
Action - Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, but you have advantage on your first attack roll with a ranged or thrown against the target.
Distracting Strike
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
You leave your opponent open to another creature's attack.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the next attack made by a creature other than you against your target has advantage.
Harrying Blow
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
Your assault prevents your target from moving quickly.
Action - Melee/Ranged - 1 Creature - 1 Round - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the first time you damage a creature of large size or smaller with a weapon attack, you can choose to halve the creature's speed.
Tide of Iron
Prerequisite: Level 4 and a Fighting Style.
Your assault presses your target back.
Action - Melee - 1 Creature - Uses Equal to Proficiency Bonus/Long Rest
You use your normal Attack action, and the first time you damage a creature with a melee attack and that creature is no more than one size category larger than you, you can choose to push the creature up to 10 ft. in a direction of your choice.

Ability Score Improvement
You increase one ability score of your choice by 2 or increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You gain a feat​ of your choice.

Extra Attack (4 Attacks)
You can attack four times, instead of three times, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. If you are dual-wielding, your off-hand attack brings you to a total of five attacks.
Indomitable (3 Uses)
You can now use Indomitable to reroll three failures into successes between every long rest.

Martial Archetype Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you a new feature.
Bulwark: Iron Retribution
When you use your Action Surge, you first make a single weapon attack against every creature that is adjacent to you as well as every creature adjacent to a creature you are protecting with Iron Wall, if applicable. ​
Champion: Survivor
At the start of your turn when you have fewer than half your hit points (rounded down), you regain hit points equal to 5 + your constitution modifier. This feature does not function if you are unconscious.​​
Commander: Rallying Surge
When you use your Action Surge, choose up to 3 allies within 60 ft. You shout a command, and each ally can use their reaction to immediately use an action. They can use any action available to them, but they cannot cast a spell of 1st level or higher.​​
Spellsword: Spellsurge
When you use your Action Surge feature, you can choose to cast any spell you know without using a spell slot. During this turn, you may cast two spells in the same turn, or even the same spell twice.​​
Other Archetype: Level 18 Feature
Your chosen Martial Archetype grants you one or more features at this level.

Superior Ability
You increase one ability score of your choice by 2, to a maximum of 22.