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Spell Trap

Prerequisite: Proficiency with Calligraphy Tools

You can create magical spell traps, storing spells to trigger at a later time.

To create a spell trap, follow the normal rules for scroll scribing, consuming the normal component costs. Instead of creating a scroll, you create a spell trap: a glyph that triggers the spell's effects under specific circumstances.

You must choose a spell that targets either a single creature or an area of effect.

1 Hour - 10 ft. Cube (5 ft.) - Magical - Permanent

  • The spell trap glyph can be as large as a 10 ft. cube. You inscribe the writing on a surface (which could be the inside of a book or container). If the spell trap is somehow moved 5 ft. or more, it is either triggered or harmlessly dispelled (you choose when creating the spell trap).

  • You set a condition for the trap to trigger (such as a chest being opened, or at least two undead being within 10 ft. of the trap) You can also set conditions for creatures that don't trigger the glyph, such as those who say a certain password. Once a trap is triggered, is is destroyed and the spell you inscribed begins.

  • When the trap is triggered, the spell inscribed in the spell trap is cast on the triggering creature, centered on the triggering creature, or otherwise positioned at the GM's discretion to be as close as possible to the trigger.

  • If you create a spell trap using a spell that requires &reference[concentration], the spell trap effectively maintains its own concentration, but if the creator of the trap takes any damage while the trap is active, the spell's concentration is broken.

While otherwise permanent, spell traps can be dispelled as if they were the spell that was placed in the trap.

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