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1 Action* - 1 Creature (Unlimited Range) - 3rd Level (Divination) - VSM

Utility Spell

  • During the casting, you name the recipient of your spell, who must be a creature you know, then speak a message of up to 30 seconds in length. In real time, the creature hears the message in their mind in your voice. You don't need line of sight to the target.

  • After hearing the message, the recipient can choose to immediately send a response of up to 30 seconds in length, speaking the message aloud in the same way.

*The casting time of this spell is longer than 1 action (6 seconds) if you send a message of longer than 6 seconds in length.

When contacting other planes of existence, there is a 5% chance that the message is lost, and then if the target sends a message back, there is another 5% chance the return message is lost.


Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

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