Silent Cacophony
Holding a baton to conduct your silent orchestra, you signal to your nonexistent instruments of deafening noise, signaling for them to begin. A single target of your choice is suddenly overcome with deafening noise coming from nowhere. The sound can take any form: a roaring orchestra, deafening chattering, or even just white noise.
Action - 1 Creature (120 ft.) - 4th Level (Illusion) - SM - Concentration (1 Minute)
Wisdom Save
Failure: Target takes 4d6 psychic damage* and is deafened. Target rolls again at end of their turns, taking damage again and ending effect on success.
Success: Half initial damage, no other effect.
*Upcasting: Increase damage by 1d6 for each spell level above 4th.
Unlike most illusions, truesight does not help defend against Silent Cacophony.