Wind Wall
Holding a feather to your lips, you shout a word of power. A gust of air erupts from your chosen line on the ground, injuring creatures in the area and carrying objects upwards into the air. While the wall only injures creatures during its initial appearance, it continues to act as a shield against projectiles.
Action - 15 ft. High, 50 ft. Long Line (120 ft.) - 3rd Level (Evocation) - VSM - Concentration (1 Minute)
Strength Save
Failure: Target takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage.*
Success: Target takes half damage.
Area Hazard: Small or tiny flying creatures or loose objects can't pass through the wall, instead flying upward to the top of the wall. Projectiles launched through wall are deflected upward and automatically miss, unless they are large objects such as boulders hurled by giants or siege engines. The wall keeps fog, smoke, and other gases (including creatures in gaseous form) at bay.
*Upcasting: Increase damage by 1d8 for each spell level above 3rd.
Druid, Ranger